[REVIEW] Petite Samplings: belif’s Hungarian Water Essence and The True Cream – Aqua Bomb

Hi guys! I’m back with not one, but TWO skincare products that I absolutely adore. Both samples were a decent size and I got a lot of use out of them. I’m going to comment on them separately so no one is confused.

belif – The True Cream Aqua Bomb

I’m very sensitive to how products feel on my skin and as someone with oily skin, I’ve tried almost every gel moisturizer on the market. The True Cream Aqua Bomb is the most hydrating gel moisturizer I’ve ever used. This “gel cream” is light, but rich enough to fix dry skin. It’s pretty intensive and absorbs quickly, leaving your skin very smooth. Compared to others, it doesn’t feel too watery. The only thing that is close to its consistency is the Laneige Sleeping Pack (even that makes my skin feel a little oily when I slather it on but it does wonders overnight). The Aqua Bomb contains Lady’s Mantle, which according to the website, “helps soften the skin with its natural properties to remove dry, scaly, and flaky skin, while controlling excess sebum, resulting in tighter pores and less oily shine. Also acts as an excellent moisturizer.” Let me tell you, this product does exactly what it says.

belif – Hungarian Water Essence

This essence contains rosemary and gotu kola, which have anti-aging properties and the ability to boost microvascular circulation, giving you even skin. As you can see from the bottom left photo, the serum comes out very watery. However, like the Aqua Bomb, it is very hydrating. It baffles my mind that something so watery can provide me with just as much moisture as a face cream (without giving me the oiliness of course). After application, my skin feels supple, hydrated and soft.

Final Thoughts

These two products are seriously the bomb (haha, get it?). Together, they improve the texture of my skin and provide it with SO MUCH MOISTURE! Even though the consistency is different, both products are lightweight, refreshing, and moisturizing. If you have a hard time finding products that give you just the right amount of hydration without leaving an oil spill on your skin, definitely check these two out.


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  • Times I sampled the product: too many times
  • Recommend for: combo/oily skin
  • Links (not affiliated links..just helping you guys out!)

With love, Suze

[REVIEW] Petite Samplings: Clinique Pep-Start Eye Cream

Happy Monday!

Today’s petite sampling is the Clinique Pep-Start Eye Cream! It claims to hydrate, brighten, and perk you up in just three seconds – that is quite a statement. I’m not at the age where I have to worry about wrinkles but prevention is key to maintain healthy and youthful skin. The skin around the eye area is dry so it’s important to keep that area hydrated.

The sample had enough product for me to use for two weeks (give or take) and I was moderately satisfied with the product. The formula is oil-free, creamy, but still lightweight. It absorbs quickly and the subtle dryness I get after cleansing my face disappears after I apply. Honestly, I did not see a difference in my dark circles and my eyes don’t get puffy so I couldn’t assess that. Hydration was the only thing it provided.

For the sample, you just squeeze the product out and I’m assuming you can also use the round top to blend the product into the skin. Since it isn’t a metal rollerball, I didn’t bother to use it since the plastic doesn’t glide smoothly on the skin.

Retailing between $25-$30, I don’t think it’s worth the money. I would rather pay a bit more and invest in something with active ingredients that could make a bigger impact on my skin. However, it did do a great job hydrating my eye area so if you’re offered this product as a sample, I would say to take it for some extra pampering :).

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  • Times I sampled the product: too many times to count
  • Recommend for: all skin types, dry eye area
  • Links: SephoraClinique (not affiliated links..just helping you guys out!

What do you guys think about this product?

With love, Suze


[REVIEW] Petite Samplings: TONYMOLY Magic Food Banana Sleeping Pack

Well well well…it has been three weeks since my last post. I honestly did not anticipate to be this busy in June but looking at my planner, I was swamped. On the other hand, my schedule is July doesn’t look as demanding so I’m excited to focus more on this blog.

Today, I’m debuting a “series” (if you will) for the beauty section of this blog. Between skincare and makeup, I’m definitely more of a skincare fanatic. I don’t like to hoard a lot of products to try out since I think it’s kind of wasteful but I do like to collect tons of samples. There are times when retailers (especially Asian ones) give multiple samples of the same product, which allows me to try stuff more than once before forming an opinion. So, a few times a week, I like to go through my samples box and pick out a few things to try. Get ready for more reviews!

*Note: I understand there are some products that need to be tried multiple times before judging how well it works. Since these are samples, I will make sure to state how many times I tried out the product. Of course, there are products you’ll know right off the bat if you like/dislike them. Many brands have stepped up their game and nowadays, I find that many samples have enough product for multiple uses 🙂

With the introduction out of the way, today’s featured product is…….TONYMOLY’s Magic Food Banana Pack!

Even the sample is shaped like a banana! The product smells like the banana popsicles I used to eat when I was young- sort of artificial but it still smells good. Don’t fret if you’re sensitive to smells because it goes away once you apply it. The consistency is thick but still soft enough to blend easily.

Personally, this sleeping pack was just too heavy for me for summer. I have combination skin: oily T-zone and dryer cheeks. During the hot and humid Florida summer, my skin produces more oil. When I apply this on at night, I can feel the product sitting on top of my skin on my T-zone…not great. When I wake up, the area around my cheeks feels very moisturized; however, it is like an oil spill on my T-zone.

Although the product did not work out for me completely, I think I’ll enjoy it more during the winter when my skin becomes more dry. If you have dry skin naturally, I definitely would recommend this product! For those with more oily skin like me, the Laneige Water Sleeping Pack works wonders so try that instead.


  • Times I sampled the product: 4
  • Recommend for: dry and moderately combo skin
  • Links: TONYMOLY , Soko GlamUlta (not affiliated links..just helping you guys out…I would also check on Ebay for better prices. There are many stores that ship directly from Korea and they have cheap prices + free shipping 🙂 Happy shopping!

With love, Suze