June 2016 / Haul

Warning: this is a very picture heavy post. I know no one likes to read my block text 😂.

I bought a collection of random things last month…and yes, I understand it’s mid-July already…



  • Target Sticky Note Pad & Page Flags (from $1 section)
  • 2 Target – 6pk Wood Pencils (from $1 section)
  • Pilot Gel Pens 0.38mm / 0.7mm in black
  • Target Threshold Terracotta Bowl (super tiny and less than $2 on clearance!)
  • Kate Spade Cedar Street Stacy Wallet in Grey Skies
  • Field Notes Pitch Black Edition in Dot-Grid (3 pack)









From this haul, you’ll realize that I’m a stationery/school supply junkie. Also, if I owned my own house or apartment, I would probably by the entire kitchen aisle in every home goods store 😆 Until next time!

With love, Suze

Trader Joe’s Grocery Haul

Happy Monday!

Let’s start this week with my favorite topic – food! As I live in the South, Publix is my go to grocery store for staples. However, I love to buy my snacks and random food items at Trader Joe’s as well. I went there recently and here are some things I picked up.




Many of these items are first time purchases but a few are my favorites so I’d like to share my thoughts on them!

  • Trader Joes Lite Shredded Mozzarella Cheese – My favorite lite cheese ever! It doesn’t taste like you’re skimping on the calories and melts wonderfully. I love to include this in salads and pastas. When I’m too lazy to make an actual lunch, I warm up some bread and top it with this cheese along with some vegetables/protein – super tasty!
  • Trader Joe’s Coconut Water – Refreshing and perfect for a summer day. It doesn’t have a weird aftertaste like many of the other coconut waters.
  • Trader Joe’s Mango Passionfruit Juice Blend – I enjoy the taste of this juice but it sometimes taste “too concentrated.” I usually dilute it with a bit of water (this might just be me because I’m sensitive to stuff that is too sweet). Since summer has arrived, I think it would be fun to mix it with sparkling water if you’re craving something bubbly.
  • Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette – This dressing is one of my favorites as far as store-bought dressings. It’s creamy enough but not too creamy; the peanut flavor is there but not overwhelming. I think of it as a slightly modified and watered down version of the peanut sauce you dip Vietnamese summer rolls in. Just to note, it’s labelled as “spicy” but the heat level is very low (almost nonexistent). I can tolerate super hot foods and do not think it gives any heat. Even my younger sister who is sensitive to spicy foods has not mentioned anything about the dressing being spicy.

I hope everyone starts the week off with a great Monday and don’t forget to comment down below your Trader Joe’s essentials as well as fun foods you think I should try!

With love, Suze