#SuzeTunes: June Picks

I have a great obsession with finding new music. Nothing can beat finding a great song to jam to. Here are some of my favorite songs I discovered this month.

P.S. I naturally lean towards slower songs because sad songs just make me really happy (I know, it’s weird…) For me, it is totally acceptable to listen to gloomy songs all year long.

Mura Masa – What If I Go

Carly Rae Jepsen – E•MO•TION (highly recommend the whole album!)

Yannick Noah – On Court

EXO – Monster

LUNA – Breathe

What are songs you listened to this month? Comments are always welcome ^.^

With love, Suze


New Beginnings

As the end of senior year rolls around, I’ve been craving to have an outlet for my thoughts. The past four years have been bittersweet. From efforts to stay atop of my grades, family responsibilities and my personal happiness, it has been a rollercoaster ride. I hope this blog will inspire me to write more freely and hopefully be some help to readers out there who are interested in what I post.

-With love, Suze